For a long while it was a favorite toy of Princesse's ,and of all her friends, and there are even some "followers" among our friend that built something similar (and more sophisticated) for their kids.
What we had:
box cutting knife
fridge box
some wallpaper or wrapping Paper
some red paper for the roof
hot glue gun
plastic glue - a lot of it
(Well, we didn't have the glue , so i made the flour and water glue , that is usually used for papier mache :
1 whole cup of flour to three cups of water. In a bowl, mix the flour with a cold water. Mix to a smooth consistency (a bit like making custard). Gently boil, stirring constantly for two or three minutes until the mixture thickens.
Allow to cool before using.)Then we got to the box itself .First we cut out some upper part of the box, so it won't be so high , and made the pointed front part for the roof.
We cut out the roof and glued it to the house with hot glue gun .
Then we cut the door and windows ,but didn't cut it out completely , and left the window/door attached, so that it can be opened and closed.
Then there was the wallpaper or in our case wrapping paper turn. I think i could also just paint the house , but then we would need a lot of paint and to put a 2-3 layers of it.
I also glued to the window shatters some green paper.
and glued on the red paper for the roof
Danny made this cool balcony.
The landlady is working hard on her new home decor.