Thursday, December 30, 2010

Refashion: Cut 'n' knit old jeans into skirt

I had a pair of kids jeans that my Princess wouldn't wear.
Generally , she prefers skirts, so i decided to remake it into a skirt.
I cut off the legs  pretty high up , just under the zipper.

The knitted part is done by the pleated skirt pattern:
1si round: P2, k10, [p5, k10] to last 3 sts, p3.
Rep this round until panels measure 3" (total length is 5").
Next round: P2, k2, m1, k6, m1, k2, [p5, k2, m1, k6, m1, k2] to last 3 sts, p3.
Next round: P2, k12, [p5, k12] to last 3 sts, p 3.
Rep this round until panels measure 6" (total length is 8").
Next round: P2, k2, m1, k8, m1, k2, [p5, k2, m1, k8, m1, k2] to last 3 sts, p 3.
Next round: P2, k14, [p5, k14] to last 3 sts, p3.
Rep this round until desired length.
Cont in this manner, inc two stitches in each panel every 3" until each panel has 22 knit sts.
Rep this round until desired length.
Work four rounds of garter stitch.
BO all stitches loosely.
Then  the jeans part and the knitted part were sewn together.
Adding some decor was neccessary in this case, so i crocheted the flower and a bird, and embroidered it on the upper , jeans part.

For flower i used a pattern :
Using a size H hook, chain 4. Join the end to the first chain with a slip stitch to form a ring.
Round1:(single crochet in the ring, chain 3) 6 times. Again, join the last stitch to the first single crochet with a slip stitch.
Round2: (single crochet, chain 1, 3 double crochets, chain 1, single crochet) in each space created by the chain 3.
Round3:Now you begin working in the back of the flower you have started creating. (single crochet around the first spoke, then chain 4) 6 times. Join last stitch to first stitch with a slip stitch.
Round4:(single crochet, chain 1, 5 double crochets, chain 1, single crochet) in each space created by the chain 4.
Round5:Repeat round 3, but chain 5 instead of 4. Join last stitch to first with a slip stitch and weave in ends.
If you want to add another layer of petals, repeat Round 3, increasing the number of stitches in the chain by one, and Round 4, increasing the double crochets by two.
The bird bas based  on crocheted circle.
The favorite part of my Princess' is the "belt", she loves them . She thinks it came out ok...

Kids fun activity - what came out of broken crayons

We had a big box  of old crayons of various kinds, most of them broken. Both girls love playing with them, BUT there were two problems:
First of all, baby sister is very persistent about  pulling those things into her mouth and cannot be distracted with other toys. Second of all , both find it a great idea to spread those pieces all over the house and i got a bit tired of stepping on it or finding it in my shoes.
So then came a solution that i found in one of the craft blogs:
-we broke those crayons into even smaller pieces
- all those pieces were inserted into some old rusty baking molds i used once for muffins.
- put that stuff into the oven for 15 minutes on 120 C (~ 250 F)
 Important! It comes out of the oven very hot and a lot of patience needed.

And they're drawing

Monday, December 27, 2010

I won a photography contest!!!

There was a photography contest at my working place and everyone was allowed to send one picture. It was hard to decide which one to choose, so we e-mailed some pics to friends.  I sent one of the pics they've voted for (the other had small resolution), and it won!
Now i only need to give this picture some name . Any ideas?